Keyword Density Checker

Enter a URL

About Keyword Density Checker

Keyword density tool

When you enter a URL or paste text into this tool, it will analyze the content and identify all the keywords. It then calculates how often each keyword appears, including single words, two-word phrases, and three-word phrases. Based on these counts, the tool will determine the keyword density.Enter more information about the Keyword Density Checker tool!

When to use this tool?

Keyword Density Checker

What is the best/ideal keyword density?

Keyword metrics:

  • Extracted keywords, Keyword frequency and Keyword density

What is the ideal keyword density of a page?

Understanding Keyword Density for Optimal Search Performance

Did you know the number of times a keyword appears on your webpage, compared to the total word count, can influence your page's ranking? This concept is known as "Keyword Density".

Too many keywords, and search engines might penalize your site. Too few, and your page might not rank well for that keyword. The goal is to get your keyword density just right for the best search performance.

But how do you accurately calculate the number of times keywords appear on a web page or blog post? You'll need a reliable tool for this, and that's where SST's Keyword Density Checker comes in.

About Keyword Density Checker

The Keyword Density Checker is designed to calculate the keyword density of any web page. It was created by the team at SEO Small Tools after noticing some marketers unintentionally overstuffing their content with keywords, which can negatively impact their site's ranking.

This tool helps solve that problem by allowing you to analyze a whole webpage using its URL or a piece of text by copying and pasting it. It not only calculates keyword density but also analyzes all the top keywords used in the text.

Features of the Keyword Density Checker

  • Total Number of Keywords: Shows the total keywords on the page.

  • Top Keywords: Lists the most used keywords, their frequency, and whether they appear in titles, descriptions, or heading tags.

  • Keyword Density: Displays how frequently each keyword or phrase is used and their percentage of usage.

How to Use the Keyword Density Checker

Using this tool is simple:

  1. Enter the URL of the page you want to analyze or paste your text if it's not published online.

  2. Click "Check" to start the analysis.

The tool will immediately show all keyword data from your website or content in a table format. You can use this tool to analyze your own web pages and your competitors’ pages to understand their keyword strategies.

Keyword Density Best Practices for SEO

While keyword density is important for search engine optimization, the key is to write content naturally. Overstuffing keywords is considered spammy and can harm your rankings.

Best Practices:

  • Use keywords naturally in the text.

  • Include keywords in meta titles, descriptions, H1 tags, and URLs.

  • Avoid keyword stuffing to prevent penalties from search engines.

After writing your content, use the Keyword Density Checker to ensure your content is balanced. This helps you avoid overstuffing and maintain optimal keyword density for better search performance.